Mini Aperture Photography Quiz:

November 16, 2011 § 1 Comment

1.2/2 The smaller the aperture the:
a. the less light
b. the bigger f-stop
2.2/2 The larger the aperture the:
a. more light
b. small f-stop 
3.1/1. F Stop and Aperture have a opposite relationship.
(Pick one)
Tell 5 steps to ensuring you take the perfect picture using aperture priority mode:
a. Grab camera and memory card
b. Turn on the camera

c. Position the aperture and f-stop to number wanted

d. Position camera so your camera will take the photo you want

e. View picture see if meets priority


5.2/2 Explain how fast the camera will take a photo within the classroom at an F Stop of 29. What will the photo look like without a tripod?
The picture will take very slowly! Like 15 seconds to take one picture. Blurry without tripod, not- with one.
6.2/2 Explain how fast the camera will take a photo within the classroom at an F Stop of 3.5. What will the photo look like without a tripod?
The picture will be very fast snappy like, within seconds maybe shaky but fast. Blurry without a tripod, focused without.
NOTE: Correct one another’s work.
Make sure you tell Miss Mann your score.

TOTAL:     14/14

Marked by: Hannah Harris

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