Crime in Vancity!

December 17, 2013 § Leave a comment

Here is a little piece i’ve been working on for the past couple of weeks! I produced and Edited this fine little piece, and it’s not quite finished yet, I want to eventually add onto it, and maybe create a short film, with a longer span than this? HMMMM decisions! This was my Final Project for my Intro to Video Production class with Paul!

I enjoyed most of my crew, we worked well together, I am excited for the future!

Look At How Much Has Changed

December 17, 2013 § Leave a comment

Goodness, it’s been well over a year and some since I have even signed onto my WordPress, it’s 3:14am, and here I am reading over what I wanted to do after high school in September 2011.. Well it’s now December 2013, and I am not where I thought I was going to be, not even close. I wanted to be a nurse, I wanted to help people, help sick people become better, help others get through treatment, but why am I not doing this when I spoke so deeply about it? I guess somewhere in-between september 2011 and May 2013 I changed my mind. I decided I did not want to be a nurse anymore but I had wanted to work in the Film Industry, and boy is that a huge change in direction.. I love my program, and I have made some friends I know I will never lose, looking back was weird, this is the most pointless post ever, but that’s what you do when you finish final projects at 3am and have nothing better to do because you’re high on coffee! But my WordPress is reactive now, and I am ready to make a new direction for myself, and my followers! Lets do this.

I have a final tomorrow afternoon!

Night all, xoxo. 



January 23, 2012 § Leave a comment

Rihanna Mixup- Matisse; Lip sang by Sarah Campbell. Filmed and pieced together by Myself

Social 20: Questions & Answers

January 23, 2012 § Leave a comment

Questions And Answers 

1. What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? 10 million square mile long patch of garbage that is flouting are the pacific ocean.
2. Who does it affect? How and Why? The GPGP affects every one on earth because it is constantly growing bigger, and the fish that are eating the plastic it is making its way into food chains. This is also having a major impact on fish and mammals living in the Pacific ocean.
3. What is UNEP? Is the United Nations Environmental Programme.
4. Who are they affiliated with- NATO or the United Nations? Explain. The UN is affiliated because they are the more peaceful of the two and this kind of work is more up its ally.
5. How many priorities does UNEP have? climate change, disasters and conflict, Ecosystem management, harmful substances, resource efficiency and environmental governess.
6. What is being done to combat climate change? Using renewable energy sources, supporting energy saving products, restoring wetlands.
7. What is being done by UNEP in terms of conflicts and disasters? post crisis environmental assessment, post crisis environmental recovery, environmental co-operation for peaceful rebuilding, and disaster risk reductions.

8. How does UNEP describe Ecosystem Management? Why is it important? Ecosystem management is described by the UNEP as governments, the international community, the private sector, civil society and the general public duty to sustain the ecosystem, it is important because the stain put on ecosystems is effecting them greatly and they are changing.
9. What is Environmental Governance and what does UNEP have to say about it? this part of UNEP assists governments in becoming more environmentally friendly
10. What are some of the most harmful substances outlines by UNEP? Lead and cadmium
11. What is resource efficiency? UNEP works to promote resource efficiency and sustainable consumption and production in both developed and developing countries.
***Take a look at 2011 UNEP’s Year in Review
12. Despite the economic recession, global investments in green energy grew by nearly HOW MUCH? (See July)
13. A new report by the UNEP-World Conservation Monitoring Centre gave eight million seven hundred thousand (give or take 1.3 million) as the latest estimated total number of species on Earth and the most precise calculation ever offered.
The report said that WHAT PERCENTAGE of species in the seas have yet to be discovered, described or catalogued? (See August)
***Visit this CBC news Photo Gallery.
14. First picture. Who organized the first EARTH DAY? When did Earth Day’s begin? What else is this man credited with doing? Gay Lord Nelson first organized earth day, on April 22, 1970. Gay Lord was also created with starting the modern environmental movement.
15. See second picture. How can we go green in our homes? By simply turning off all the light in your house when you are only in one room.
16. See third picture. In the daily lives of Canadians, perhaps no green change is more visible, or more used, than the ? recycling bin
17. See fourth picture. Alternative energy More and more, governments around the world are looking to the skies to produce clean energy with low emissions. Annual Wind power capacity rose by 31 per cent globally in 2009.
18. 5th picture. (What Canadian city is featured here? Why?) Montreal because it is seen by some as a progressive city because it has both new and old.
19. 6th picture. (When Thomas Edison came up with a long-lasting filament for incandescent light bulbs in 1879, it was an invention that truly changed the way we live. But it also changed the world from an environmental perspective, sparking a demand for power that generates tons upon tons of waste every year from carbon dioxide emissions to spent nuclear fuel. That demand has also levelled mountains, polluted water supplies and disrupted whole ecosystems as we mine for fuel and manipulate watercourses for hydro power. What is being done to make this better?) CFL bulbs are now being used and they greatly demising the amount of energy used.
20. 7th picture. Banning the Plastic Bag What are ordinary citizens doing to help? bringing reusable bag to the grocery store
21. 8th picture. Cleaner Cars Even celebrities are ditching the porsche’s for hybrid vehicles.
22. 9th picture. Silencing the sawmills in Amazon forest The Amazon forest, once vulnerable to the threat of deforestation, is now under priority protection with Brazilian officials pledging to reduce deforestation by 50 per cent over the next 10 years. Under a program called Bolsa Floresta, communities are paid to preserve the forest and engage in alternative means of work such as fishing.
23. 10th picture. How is fair trade coffee making the world a greener place? Because Fair trade farms have to use organic fertilizes and other green farming ways.
24. 11th picture. Protecting _lakes_and_wetlands_ helps to preserve species.
25. 12th picture. Is acid rain a myth in Canada? Nope, it is very common and its becoming a large problem but it has been addressed by the canadians in 1980
26. 13th picture. What is a CFC and why is it bad for the environment? Chlorofluorocarbons and they are bad because it breaking down the ozone layer.
27. 14th picture. View this photo.
Now visit: Kyoto Protocol 
What is the Kyoto Protocol? Kyoto Protocol is protocol of 37 countries who have agreed to reduce the amount of green house gasses their produce, in an attempt to combat climate change.  Is Canada involved? Canada used to be involved but we withdrew in december 2011.
Now visit: This resource.
What is the difference between the Convention and the Protocol? The convention encourages countries to reduce their emissions, and the Protocol commits them to do so.
Now visit: This recourse. 
What are green house gases? CO2 – Carbon dioxide
CH4 – Methane
N2O – Nitrous oxide
PFCs – Perfluorocarbons
HFCs – Hydrofluorocarbons
SF6 – Sulphur hexafluoride

as well as for the indrect greenhouse gases such as SO2, NOx, CO and NMVOC.

*** On your own:
What does it mean to be GOING GREEN? Reducing your energy footprint by using ecofriendly produces and energy efficient appliances and light bulbs.
What companies are leading the ‘going green’ movement? The light bulb companies that produce energy efficient bulbs and the appliance companies such are Lg that are creating energy efficient appliances.

Why? These companies are leading the green movement because they are providing people the option of green produces.

English Terminology

January 19, 2012 § 1 Comment

metaphor – Look beyond what you see
personification- The leaves whispered in the wind
simile- As white as a dove
cliche-Speak of the devil
onomatopoeia-Snap, crackle, pop
hyperbole- Im so hungry I could eat a horse

alliteration- Daisy Danced Dazzily 

irony- to be ironic
rhyme- love, dove
climax- The high point of the story
mood- How you feel while reading a story
tone- The feeling the story gives you
resolution- To resolve
imagery- To create a picture in your head while reading the story
dialect-Language or speech
characterization- To give a character qualities
theme- The meaning of the story
symbolism-Sly meanings in a story 

Poverty VS Wealth

January 13, 2012 § 1 Comment

How can we still have so much poverty?
Out of sight- out of mind.
What we can’t see we don’t worry about.
Lack of resources in a certain area can affect poverty and the people around the resource, people founded the resource are going to be wealthier than the others. Land is hard, and without incoming resources and out going there is going to be loss in money and loss in houses, leads to loss in life. Wealth is a huge thing now, if you do not have wealth you most likely don’t have a house, and do not have a job, wealth is hard to discover when there is little jobs and little amount of resources. When you’re working in the Third World countries you working for nothing, you’re working for your life, with hope that you can bring something home to your family to eat.

If we were to end poverty- what would the world look like?
If we were to totally wipe out poverty all the resources would run out, and the population would get higher, schools would get fuller, less place for more people, money would drop. Or it will be a huge change over a huge time we wont notice, China went from being poor to being extremely rich, and we don’t really notice because it happened in such a long time. Poverty is a horrible thing, but do we really want it to end, personally I do, but I know there are people that are concerned with the fact that we may and could run out of resources, and we could end up being 100x over populated in many spots from immigration, and people moving to land with resources. Jobs will be shorted, and with potential that the economy could crash at any moment. Poverty is never ending because kids are being born into poverty with no knowledge with no way of ever getting a job, and no way of maybe getting out of poverty. There is a lot we could do to help the people in poverty but we do nothing, we collect little amounts of money every now and then, but we do nothing drastic. I feel people don’t want to do anything because they do not want the economy to crash, they like the First World countries as they are, which is 100% greedy, there is so much we take for granted and do not even realize that we do because we are so use to it. When we see a homeless person we say why don’t they go and get themselves a job- if they don’t know how to read or it they don’t have a address how are they suppose to get that job? You need a Social Insurance Number (SIN) to be able to work legally, and if you cant read or get “online” to do that- you have no possible way to get that, if they don’t have a home? How could they possibly write an address on the application if they do have a SIN. When they say bring a lunch, they are not going to be able to bring a lunch because they are homeless and poor. We don’t realize that they cant do all this and they really need our help, this does apply to homeless and poverty.

Twisted Times & Creative Minds

December 9, 2011 § 1 Comment

Love- Live to Travel

In the Nebula

A Duskful Day

Infinity- and Beyond

What is Christmas to You?

My Fake Wall.

November 25, 2011 § 1 Comment

The picture’s would not upload, still working on that. – the link.

Mini Aperture Photography Quiz:

November 16, 2011 § 1 Comment

1.2/2 The smaller the aperture the:
a. the less light
b. the bigger f-stop
2.2/2 The larger the aperture the:
a. more light
b. small f-stop 
3.1/1. F Stop and Aperture have a opposite relationship.
(Pick one)
Tell 5 steps to ensuring you take the perfect picture using aperture priority mode:
a. Grab camera and memory card
b. Turn on the camera

c. Position the aperture and f-stop to number wanted

d. Position camera so your camera will take the photo you want

e. View picture see if meets priority


5.2/2 Explain how fast the camera will take a photo within the classroom at an F Stop of 29. What will the photo look like without a tripod?
The picture will take very slowly! Like 15 seconds to take one picture. Blurry without tripod, not- with one.
6.2/2 Explain how fast the camera will take a photo within the classroom at an F Stop of 3.5. What will the photo look like without a tripod?
The picture will be very fast snappy like, within seconds maybe shaky but fast. Blurry without a tripod, focused without.
NOTE: Correct one another’s work.
Make sure you tell Miss Mann your score.

TOTAL:     14/14

Marked by: Hannah Harris

Chapter Questions- To Kill A Mockingbird

November 16, 2011 § Leave a comment


To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Chapter 1;
Chapter 1 introduces the readers to the town of Maycomb, its appearance, it inhabitants, and the particular attitudes of many of its people.  Find a sentence or a paragraph which illustrates each of the following attitudes/ideas.  Quote at least a portion of the sentence or paragraph and give the page number.

    1. pride in ancestry and “tradition” – because the Radleys go to church so they are disliked by the community and they talk about the generals from the civil war.
    2. pride in conformity and distrust of those who are different – he goes out all night when its pitch dark, Miss Stephanie Crawford said she woke up in the middle of the night one time and saw him looking straight through her window at her.. Just because his different they all assumes he walks around only at night
    3. awareness of differences in social classes – They don’t include negros in the same social class as white people -> A negro would not pass the Radley place.


  1. What do we know for certain about Boo Radley, and why do the children find so fascinating?
    He never comes out of his house, he has his house borded, he has stained bloody hands from eating raw animals. He comes out at night and creeps everyone’s house. He was locked in the basement of the court house. He is bad and evil.